Schedule a meeting

  • Cathy Poturny
  • Select from the options below to add an event to my calendar

Proposal Review 30 minutes
Use this booking link to schedule a meeting to review marketing proposals. - Communicates the priorities and provides an organized process to facilitate productivity Increases engagement with the priorities, as well as explain accountability requirements Opens the flow of dialogue and collaboration and performance -Organize all these items and set expectations -Explore what items we recommend as topics, and share some share tips
Strategy Meeting 30 minutes
Book your strategy and marketing session now using this link. Please note that this is a paid service and an invoice will be triggered based on your agreement. Act now and take the first step towards achieving your business goals!
Vendor Intro30 minutes
Vendor and Affinity Partner Introductions: Please use this to schedule a convenient date and time to meet.
Initial Consultation 45 minutes
Learn how your business looks online with this eye-opening 5-point analysis of your current digital footprint.
Intro Discussion Marketing Blueprint30 minutes
Overview of how we identify roadblocks, find the right tools and resources to gain new customers and maintain client loyalty.
Training - Custom Business APP Dashboard45 minutes
Use this booking link to schedule training for your Business Center APP
Client Strategy Meeting45 minutes
Please use this link if you are a current client. Please let us know the purpose of this meeting in the comments section.
Digital Assessment Review Meeting45 minutes
Use this booking link to schedule your digital business assessment report review. This meeting is for businesses that are not currently active clients and have already paid the invoice for the assessment analyses.
Discovery Meeting60 minutes
Book Your Discovery Meeting today. Please dedicate 60 minutes to this discussion. The Business Discovery Questionnaire answers will be reviewed.